There were lots of visitors in front of the gate before opening Ham Fair. |
JARL Executive Director JH1HNH,
JAIA President JA3FA,
JARL President JA1AN,
IARU Vice-President VE6SH,
IARU Region 3 Chairman VK3KI,
KARL President HL2AGG
More than 50 foreign guests, IARU Region 3 Directors, and many other members in Region 3 societies participated this year. |
Morse code is only used among amateur communications now.
However, there are numerous enthusiasts who are using Morse code in their amateur communications.
At this booth, young fellows tried to send Morse code with a simple key and a code printing apparatus. |
D-STAR is a digital communication system which was developed by JARL, and there are more than 120 D-STAR repeaters in Japan now.
7M3TJZ has built an adapter unit for a transceiver to communicate in D-STAR system.
We will introduce this adapter unit in coming autumn issue of JARL News. |
7M3TJZ describes his adapter unit for a transciver to visitors. |
Operation with D-STAR system at the 8J1A station |
JARL President JA1AN has made the first QSO at 8J1A, special event station. |
Many visitors have operated 8J1A at the site of JARL Ham Fair. |
ARRL MVP assistant manager Mr. Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, has participated in checking cards for DXCC applications this year.
There were 276 applicants this year. That was the maximum number of applicants since the beginning of DXCC card checking at JARL Ham Fair. |
Many applicants were waiting to apply their DXCC applications from early hours. |
W3IZ (L) and JA1DM (R) were checking DXCC applications. |
We had a few applications from foreign amateurs. One of them was DL8OBF. |
DL8OBF visited Japan with his friends for his first time, and applied for his DXCC at JARL Ham Fair. |
A work shop was held especially for young boys and girls that had built IC radio kits, wave checker kits, and Morse code trainer kits. |
There were a lot of participants. Here kids are with their parents at the work shop. |
The electric force can't be seen. We explain the existence of electricity by the following methods to small children at this booth.
A pointer in the electric meter moves by inserting a magnet into a coil. A small ball moves by the power of static electricity. |
Many amateur radio equipment manufactures exhibited their new equipment at their booths.
There were lots of visitors at their booths. |
The following various lectures were given on the stage at the corner in Ham Fair. |
Active Young Amateurs:
We, young radio amateurs less than 18 years old, are very active.
MC:JI1TJJ, Speakers: JE1LIB, 7N4XAN (L-R) |
Let's start D-STAR communications.
Speaker: 7L1FFN/2 |
Explaining EME communications with big dish
(32m diameter parabolic antenna).
Speakers: JH1KRC, JM1GSH |
Explaining amateur radio communications
between ARISS (Amateur Radio on the
International SpaceStation) and school
students in Japan.
Speaker: 7M3TJZ |
Morse Code:
Let's learn Morse code.
Speakers: JA3LZC and A1 Club members |
Activities and LoTW:
Addressing amateur radio activities in the
USA and LoTW (Logbook of The World).
Speaker: W3IZ, Interpreter: JE2EHP |
JARL is sponsoring the contests for promoting amateur radio every time at Ham Fair.
One is for paintings concerning amateur radio by those less than 18 years old.
The other is for home built equipment.
The first prize in each contest is awarded by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications.
In the paintings contest section, there were 129 applications this year. |
The first prize was awarded to "Words fly into the sky" by Miss Satsukime Miyuki, 17 year old high school student. |
In the home built equipment contest section, there were 25 applications of equipment this year. |
The first prize was awarded to "40m QRP ECO CW transceiver" built by JH2ECU. |
The paintings that won a prize in the contest were exhibited at this place. |
The home built equipment that won a prize in the contest were exhibited at this place. |
A commemorative photograph of the prize winners for home built equipment, paintings, and All Asian DX contest. |
There were more than 160 club booths this year. They exhibited their history, the report of their works, antique equipment, and more.
Many retailers had their booths, selling goods relating to amateur radio, QSL cards print shop, shops selling new, old, and antique radios, and many other goods. Many visitors were at these booths. |
An eyeball QSO party was held at the New Tokyo restaurant beginning at 17:30 JST on August 25th.
The room was crowded with about 180 participants at this party. Those in attendance were members of JARL, directors of JARL, a manager of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), representatives of member societies of IARU, and some foreign radio amateurs.
The participants of the party chatted and greeted each other with their amateur radio activities. |
A lot of participants were in the room. |
KARL President, HL2AGG presented a souvenir to JARL President, JA1AN. |
The following pictures are some of those participants at the party.
JARL President JA1AN |
Mr. Watanabe of MIC |
JAIA President JA3FA |
IARU Vice-President VE6SH |
IARU Region 3 Chairman VK3KI |
ARRL MVP assistant W3IZ |
SARTS Vice President 9V1JN |
JARL Vice President JA1AYO |