Vol. 13, No. 4; October 2000

Region 3 Conference in Australia

The 11th International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 3 Conference was held in Darwin, Australia from August 28 to September 1, 2000. It was hosted by the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA). Representatives of 17 Amateur Radio organizations in Asia-Pacific area attended (more than 100 attendees!!). They were:



Representing JARL was Mr. Shozo Hara, JA1AN, President, assisted by:
Mr. Toshiharu Takeuchi, JM1MNW, Executive Director
Mr. Masayoshi Ebisawa, JA1DM, Senior Adviser
Mr. Masao Matsumoto, JA1AYC, Senior Adviser
Mr. Yoshio Arisaka, JA1HQG, Senior Adviser
Mr. Mitsu Sugawara, JN1LQH, International Section Manager

On 28th, the conference was started with a call by IARU Region 3 Secretary Mr. Keigo Komuro, JA1KAB. Responding to Mr. Komuro's call, JARL nominated WIA President Mr. Peter Naish, VK2BPN, as Chairman of the Conference. Mr. Naish was elected by acclamation. Mr. Komuro was elected by acclamation as the Secretary of the Conference. In his introductory remarks, Mr. Naish called for a minute of silence for amateurs who have passed away during the past three years including former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Keizo Obuchi, JI1KIT.

The Conference formed three Working Groups and elected conveners, and various sessions were convened and many resolutions were adopted. Some of the key issues mentioned in "The IARU Region 3 Newsletter" Issue 1/2000, were:

WRC 2003
Mr. Larry Price, W4RA, President of IARU, stressed the urgency of preparation for WRC 2003, which will be a very important meeting for amateur radio. The agenda items of relevance to the amateur and amateur-satellite services include revision of S25 harmonization of amateur and broadcasting allocations near 7 MHz, review of provisions concerning the formation of amateur call signs, additional allocations for Little LEO satellites, study of a possible allocation to the Earth-exploration satellite service near 430 MHz, and possible identification of globally harmonized frequency bands for use by agencies and organizations dealing with public protection and disaster relief. It is important that there be representatives of the amateur services on national delegations where possible to encourage administrations to support the issues brought up by IARU. Perhaps the first step will be to build up a close working relationship with the local administration. The way to achieve this will vary according to the culture and practice. A good relationship will facilitate canvassing views of the administration on issues when they are known nearer the date.

Alignment of 7 MHz Band
The subject was discussed with much enthusiasm with delegates explaining the situation in their respective countries. There was consensus, given the congestion in the band, to seek a 300-kHz wide band, not necessarily a specific band. IARU wishes to identify administrations willing to propose 300 kHz, or to support such a proposal from another administration. In conclusion, the Conference reaffirmed an earlier decision to support the IARU objective of an exclusive, worldwide Amateur Service allocation in the vicinity of 7 MHz of no less than 300 kHz; and to urge the member societies of Region 3 to do all they can to support this objective.

Morse as Qualification Criteria
This was another subject widely discussed with many delegates voicing the views of their own society. The views of the other Regions as well as IARU were reported. The Conference supported Morse code as an effective and efficient mode of communication. However, it believed that the position of Morse as a qualifying criterion for an HF amateur license is not relevant to the healthy future of amateur radio. Therefore the Conference urged member societies to seek, as an interim measure, the reduction of all Morse code testing speeds to five words per minute.

Region 3 Directors
Effective on October 15, 2000, the new office of IARU Region 3 Directors has been assumed with the following Directors, who were re-elected or newly elected at the 11th IARU Region 3 Conference held in Darwin in August/September 2000:
Chairman/Director Mr. J.F.C. Johnson, ZL2AMJ (re-elected)
Directors: Mr. Peter J. Naish, VK2BPN (elected)
Mr. Young-Soon Park, HL1IFM (re-elected)
Mr. Yoshiji Sekido, JJ1OEY (re-elected)
Mr. K.C. Selvadurai, 9V1UV (elected)

For more information, please refer the web site for IARU Region 3 at:

In addition, during the Region 3 Conference, the WIA established a special commemorative station, AX8IARU, in the hotel where the Conference was held. During their free time, participants had a good time to operate the station.

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